Partnering hotels

Dann Carlton Medellín Hotel

Dann Carlton Medellín Hotel

Prices start at USD $89, including breakfast. UNS2019 is the code to get the special offer to our participants.
Hotel NH Collection

Hotel NH Collection

Hotel Estelar Milla de Oro

Hotel Estelar Milla de Oro

Prices start at USD $87, including breakfast. Please mention you are a participant of the conference to get the special price.
Hotel San Fernando Plaza

Hotel San Fernando Plaza

Hotel Marriot Medellin

Hotel Marriot Medellin

Hotel Holiday Inn

Hotel Holiday Inn

Hotel Poblado Alejandría

Hotel Poblado Alejandría

Prices start at USD $62, including breakfast. ICLC2019 is the code to get the special offer to our participants.


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Limited places available